Category:Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot
Female Ejaculation and the G-spot by Deborah Sundahl, published by Fusion Press (2004) [Buy]
ISBN 1904132383
Female Ejaculation for Couples (DVD) [Buy]
Deborah Sundahl presents her expert advice on how to achieve female orgasm with demonstrations by three couples and extreme close-up shots of the G-spot and female ejactulations in action.
Koi Sex Tutorials: G Spot Play
G-Spot advice at Koi Sex Tutorials.
Koi Sex Tutorials: Short Cut to Female Ejaculation
Michael J’s directions for reaching female ejaculation.
Sex Tutor: Female Ejaculation and G-Spot Manipulation
A short page about female ejaculation from the Sex Tutor website.
The Smart Girl’s Guide to the G-Spot by Violet Blue, published by Cleis Press [Buy]
Teaches women how to enjoy G-spot orgasms – with or without a partner.
ISBN 1573442739
The – Female Ejaculation
Excellent information about the G-spot and Female Ejaculation